
Did you know that approximately 50% of water you use is household related? Here’s how you can save water:

Check for leaks: leaking taps, pipes or dishwasher hoses can waste more than 2,000 litres of water per month. Checking for leaks is a cheap and easy way to save water. Replace washers regularly to avoid leaks.

Install water efficient tapware: water efficient taps and showerheads can save up to $100 a year in water and energy costs. Combining water efficient tapware with aerators and flow restrictors can help reduce water use by 50 per cent compared with standard tapware.

Turn off taps: leaving taps running when not in use can waste up to 17 litres per minute. Ensure you turn off taps when brushing teeth, washing vegetables or cleaning.

Short showers: taking shorter showers can save hundreds of litres of water each year.

Install a dual flush toilet: dual flush toilets are water efficient and use up to 60 per cent less water than single flush toilets.

Install water efficient appliances: appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines can often use a large amount of water. When purchasing water-using appliances, ensure you choose a product that has a high water efficiency rating, such as a AAA rating. Ensuring you always have a full load before washing can also reduce water use.

Recycle water: you can reuse some of your household wastewater, known as greywater, to use for watering your garden or for toilet flushing.

Rain water tanks: rainwater tanks can store water run-off from your roof for use around the home or garden. Installing a rainwater tank, together with other household water saving devices, can reduce your household water use by up to 25 per cent and save around $50 a year on water bills.

Source: Plumbing Industry Commission